Thursday, April 20, 2006

Game On!!!!!!!

The Baby's coming, woohooo!!!!!!!!!!

Here's the skinny, Tash & I went to the doc's this morning, had the kid checked out (which meant that we got another view via an ultrasound, my favorite thing to do during this pregnancy, I love seeing my kid!!!!!), then Tash got checked. The doc checked her file, came back in the room (at this point we thought we were headed home and I was off to study...Oy!!!) and said "Time to have the baby!" We were a little taken aback as we really weren't expecting the doc to suggest inducing at this point, but he believes the kid is ready to come out.

We're going in tonight in about a half hour...this is it!!!!

Tsipka was so happy that she howled a whole song for us!

More soon, hopefully with pics of Lil' T :)


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