Question: what are Mishka & Ollie doing hanging out in Maine?
Answer: Surprising Mishka's old man for his birthday, that's what! Tasha got me real good for my 30th...I was all set to drop the 2 gals off at the airport until the Somers literally came crashing in screaming surprise!!! And I was...turns out so was Mishka who burst into tears. Naturally, we got some pics :)

Here's Ollie helping Mishka open up a present for her...Mishka initially had no idea what to make of Ollie...

Turns out neither did Ollie initially, but they both did like the book :)

Yup, uncle Adam made the trip over to Maine as well and got to see first hand how ferocious an eater Mishka is! Bella is looking on in the background. (fyi-the house was a zoo, full of kids and kids masquerading as adults, very cool!)

And here's the last 2 surprises from the to play with the band, oh, and the microphone was mine as well! Major thanks to everyone who chipped in on the recording gear, it is SUCH a cool present (and when Tasha, Mishka & I cut our first record we'll totally be sure to mention ya'll in the thank you section in the CD case cover! hehe)