Friday, March 02, 2007

Becoming a little girl...

It's amazing and scary all at the same time how fast Mishka is growing up, developing her own personality and physically becoming a little girl, not longer an infant, even though I can remember with distinctive detail how tiny her fingers and tows once were and how easy she was to changes and we all grow. So here's what the beginning of Marina Elizabeth as a little girl looks like!!

A close up!

One of her favorite things to do is climb up, walk around while holding herself up and occassionally make the furniture a drumset.

Poor angle on this shot, sorry...but in true Tower tradition, Mishka loves to wrestle and climb all over people, as you can see here :)

Mishka's new thing to say is "Doo doo doo doo doo", we caught a picture of her doing it here!
And a little family pic...although I don't think Mishka was in the mood for another picture!

Birthday Suprise, part 2

Okay, here's a bunch of pics from the evening in rapid fire!

Here's Krista (6+ months pregnant with #2!!) hanging out with Isak!

From left to right: Andrea, Suzie, Beth & Ellen, all hanging out and chillin'

Shawn kicking his feet up and playing away!

Meg was out dancing with her mom while the band was playing!

Like father like son! Danny and Isak posing for the camera :)

Tasha & Tracey showing that they can still be silly sharing a night on the town!

In what might have been the best performance of the night, Beth & Ellen kicked "my humps" with Caleb backing them...they didn't miss a beat, it was hysterical!

Got to do a little duet with my honey, which we hadn't done in a while! It was cool to finally be able to get out on the town with her!

And here's Papa Tony snuggling with Mishka & Ollie! :)

Birthday Surprise, part 1

Question: what are Mishka & Ollie doing hanging out in Maine?
Answer: Surprising Mishka's old man for his birthday, that's what! Tasha got me real good for my 30th...I was all set to drop the 2 gals off at the airport until the Somers literally came crashing in screaming surprise!!! And I was...turns out so was Mishka who burst into tears. Naturally, we got some pics :)

Here's Ollie helping Mishka open up a present for her...Mishka initially had no idea what to make of Ollie...

Turns out neither did Ollie initially, but they both did like the book :)

Yup, uncle Adam made the trip over to Maine as well and got to see first hand how ferocious an eater Mishka is! Bella is looking on in the background. (fyi-the house was a zoo, full of kids and kids masquerading as adults, very cool!)

And here's the last 2 surprises from the to play with the band, oh, and the microphone was mine as well! Major thanks to everyone who chipped in on the recording gear, it is SUCH a cool present (and when Tasha, Mishka & I cut our first record we'll totally be sure to mention ya'll in the thank you section in the CD case cover! hehe)

Bath Time

So here's a picture that the kids will likely not be appreciative that I shared on a blog...they'll deal though :) Here's Mishka, Sasha & Meechy chillin in the tub...there was alot of splashing and a couple of wet daddies. It is a blast to watch the kids learn to play together :)