Well, daddy db has been awful at updating the girls blogs, many apologies to those folks checking out the sites! Mishka has been VERY busy these past few weeks, along with adjusting to being a big sister, which she's doing an awesome job of, she just turned 2, has been talking up a storm, and her new favorite thing to say/ask is "Why?" (to which daddy db replies...you guessed it..."because daddy said so"...well see how long that works for, probably like 1/2 a day or something ;)) There are alot of pics and videos from some of the recent events, alas, I don't have them downloaded just yet...they'll be coming soon :)
Here's what I do have!

Yeah playing with Babu at the beach!

Here's Babu with the two Tower girls!

Mishka with her Mommy, I think they're both pretty happy here ;)