It was 7 weeks ago yesterday that Marina Elizabeth took this world by storm (well, actually via Mommy but whatever!), and I blogged about the day prior to Mishka being born, well now I'll finish up the hours prior to the birth.
Tasha was given a sedative to help get her through the night while the nurses brought me in a cot. Both of us tried to sleep, but Tasha kept getting woken up by contractions, which got me up and about as I tend to be the dotting type :) This contraction then rest thing lasted for a couple hours until it became pretty evident that Tasha wasn't going to be getting any sleep through these contractions. To backtrack, she was given the cervadil to dialate her cervix in hopes of inducing 2:30 am she was having contractions about 2-3 minutes apart. At that point she was about 1 cm dialated. We actually got into a pretty good routine where we'd breathe and count together through the contractions, she would rest and I'd do whatever needed to get done in between.
The contractions then came at a much greater pace, one on top of the other, while the cervix dialated to 4 cm around 4 am and to 6 cm by 5:30. At 5:30 the contractions got to be pretty rough (I know that I'm underplaying it as I have NO idea what it must have felt like...bear with me ;)) and Tasha decided (okay, demanded!) and interthecal. They called the anesthesiologist who ironically had given me a lecture in my Population Health course 2 days prior, and he administered the interthecal...well, at some point during this process Tasha's water broke (onto me...this seems to be a theme, check the prior posting with the victimized cubs shirt...) which upped the pain level even that much more. She was a trooper though, the pain got tougher and she just matched it with her breathing and counting (ask Tasha someday what "Don't forget 7!" means...good story), she was simply AMAZING.
The interthecal did bring the pain level down a little, at this point the delivery nurse was in directing traffic and getting Tasha ready. The nurse was awesome, she knew exactly what was needed and when, she was great. Around this time (like 7-ish or so), Kathy (aka Kama) was hanging out in the waiting room by her lonesome, so Tasha and I invited her in to sit and chat and take it all in, she was so excited and curious and full of hugs, which was exactly what we needed after a long night. At around 8-ish or so, the nurse said Tasha was just about 10 cm and it was time to start pushing. Now if Tasha was amazing before, there's really no superlative to attach to her during the delivery. She was locked in, completely focused, working like crazy. For a while it was just Tasha, the nurse and myself...which means I got to help deliver my firstborn ;) She pushed while the nurse worked to make sure there was a good opening for the baby to come one point I could see the baby's head crowning. Totally surreal...but I was also locked in, helping my wife in any way I could, counting and breathing. At some point the doctor came in, took his place, and Tasha started her final pushes. One big push, I can see her head come out, then duck back in. Another big push, out comes Mishka's head...the doc clears her nose and mouth while the nurse and I tend to Tasha who at this point has no idea that her child is already half way out. The baby turns to its side, Tasha give one more push, and out comes little Marina Elizabeth, all scrawny and screaming. 9:52 am.
The doc gave Mishka to the nurse who cleaned her off, and then put her exactly where she needed to be, right on Mommy's chest. I really can't tell you what it is I felt...utter amazement, shock, overwhelming love and joy...I was a blubbering fool, proud of it too!
The doctor finished up with the afterbirth and the stitches and the nurse got together a few things that she would need to do with Mishka...but she said only after we'd had a chance to be with her for a while. That was very cool, that first hour when we all got to know each other as a family. Mishka had great lungs and wasn't afraid to use them! She also latched on right away, which was very neat. The nurse did the tests and whatnot, at that point the waiting room was on edge so we decided to open the doors and introduce Mishka to everyone...
I went out to the waiting room, told everyone there that Tasha and baby were fine...I said that only 2 people were allowed in at a time, so we should probably start with the baby's namesake...I turned to Babu and told her to go in and meet little Marina Elizabeth... :)
The rest you have all seen collected in different posts and pictures :)
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Hanging with Nina and Poppa

Nina was in her glory cuddling with Mishka, and Mishka seems to be enjoy herself quite a bit too (you can't see it real well in this shot, but the blanket Marina's wrapped in was made by Nina :))

Poppa was able to pry Mishka away from Nina for a few seconds to get in a few good bonding minutes ;) Here you can see the blanket a little better. Mishka calmed right down in Poppa's arms.

Ever since we got Mishka to smile a couple weeks ago, we've been trying to get her to flash a smile when folks stop I'm trying (in vain) to get a smile while Poppa waits vigiliantly with the camera :)
Hanging in Jersey, part 2
Okay, where'd we leave off...

Uncle Rib (aka-Grandpa to be!) hung out with Mishka at the dinner table, showing her around their gorgeous dining room.

Marina also made a pit stop in Oakland NJ and hung out with Deidia Petya who seemed to be enjoying getting to know the little one :)

So, it was a whirlwind tour of the Garden State, and Mishka was amazing throughout, as seen here, she spent a bunch of time just chillin' in her car seat :)

Uncle Rib (aka-Grandpa to be!) hung out with Mishka at the dinner table, showing her around their gorgeous dining room.

Marina also made a pit stop in Oakland NJ and hung out with Deidia Petya who seemed to be enjoying getting to know the little one :)

So, it was a whirlwind tour of the Garden State, and Mishka was amazing throughout, as seen here, she spent a bunch of time just chillin' in her car seat :)
Hanging in Jersey

Aunt Nic and Uncle Nate (who will be attending Thomas Jefferson Med school starting in July...WOOOHOOOO!) got to meet lil' Mishka in Jersey last week because....

NATE AND NIC GOT MARRIED, YEAH!!!!!! It was an awesome event, Nicole was GORGEOUS, and both the bride and groom were beaming with excitement and love. Twas a great day!!!

Uncle Samit got to meet and play with Mishka...even while Daddy took a 30 second power nap!

Uncle Tony and Aunt Tracey (aka, the Godmother!) got to play with Mishka and got a brief glimpse as to what life is holding in store for them just a couple months down the road!!! :)

Of course, what's a jaunt through Jersey without a stop at the Regna household...Aunt Bev (aka-Grandma to be!)got Mishka to fall asleep peacefully!
Mishka meets Gram!

Mishka made a brief stop in Waltham recently to meet her Gram! After being in the car for a few hours Mishka was a little fussy and squirmy, but Gram, undeterred thanks to her year of experience, picked her right up and snuggled with her and bounced around with her for a little bit!
Mishka was invited back by Gram whenever she wants to come by...Mishka's parents were invited to drive her whenever she wants to stop by ;)
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Memorial Day...first beach day!!!

Marina (aka-the goddess of the sea) got her first formal introduction to her kingdom on Memorial Day...she seemed to chill and enjoy it, almost saying "it's good being a goddess" ;)

Daddy needs a haircut and a shave (ahhh, vacation)...looks like Mishka thinks Daddy's finger is a nipple...she's almost got that vision thing down ;) Seriously, how smitten am I?!?!?!?!
Bath Time!!!

Thankfully bathtime no longer means scream bloody murder for hours on end time! Here's Mishka staring at Mommy who is cleaning off all the spit up and what not...

Funny, I think I'd have the same shocked look on my face if someone tried to take a picture of me taking a bath too... :)

All done!!! And it looks like Mish is looking for dinner...hmmm ;)
Notice the dapper looking bathrobe that Mishka is sporting...thanks to many of you who check out this blog, Mishka is one stylin' baby :)
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