Mishka at a day old...probably looking for food :)

Mishka at about 3 months, with her big hat and staring away! Also probably looking for food... ;)

1st couple days...the content little sleeper
This was a week ago, interacting with Mommy and Daddy and gurgling away...just noticed that the more recent pics Mishka is more wide-eyed and stunned looking...I think the shock is setting in as she's realized how crazy her parents are!
Marina Update:
The kid is just plain cute! More than ever she is alert, aware, and laughing! She gurgles quite a bit in attempts to talk to you, also, if you sing to her, she will smile, giggle, and often times try to sing along. She's also become more generally vocal (read as: loud!), and starting to whine, which is lovely (note sarcasm)...I imagine this is merely an appetizer of the interactions to come, but I guess it's time to see what Tash & I are made of as parents! Regardless, she's the light of our lives, that will hopefully never change :)
Side note: Tash & I are having some technical difficulties with our digital camera, meaning that it might be a few days (weeks) until we fix the problem, so not sure when we'll get some updated pics on there (got some real cute ones with Mishka & her cousins recently!) Also, if anyone has a digital pic of Mishka with her Great-Grampa McManama and wouldn't mind emailing it to me (wasn't able to do it from the snapfish albums), I'd surely appreciate it! dtower3do@aol.com
daddy db