Hello to the blogging crew (if there are any of you left at this point!)
It's been a while on our end as life has been a little crazy...never the less, our little Mishka has been growing by leaps and bounds, and as you can see, learning how to fill the pool with water :)

So what's new with the kid, you may be wondering!
Mishka has been walking now for the past 2 months and is getting to the point where she almost looks like she's running, she can turn, spin around and stop on a dime...ie-she's out of the waddle walking stage and is now making mommy and daddy chase after her with some effort :)
She is quite the mimic, and while she doesn't say alot of definitive english/russian words yet, she babbles with reckless abandon (uncle Nico would also remind me that she babbles LOUDLY...:)) and will occasionally surprise us with a something that resembles a "thank you" or "I'm ready".
She is a little nature girl, LOVES being outside either in the yard, at the park or on the beach. AND she seems to be into jewelry as she puts on bracelets and necklaces all the time.
The one constant though is how awesome a little girl Mishka is and how lucky Tash & I are to be able to be her parents and watch her grow. And since both Tash & I have finished up school for the time being, we get to spend the next month hanging out as a family which is very cool.
That's the scoop on our end.
Hopefully we'll get to see a bunch of you soon over the summer!
daddy DB