Mishka's quickly closing in on 3 months of life, and she's having a fun and boisterous time along the way! She's smiling, talking, and gurgling with regularity and sleeping with much less regularity throughout the day, so there's more playtime. She totally getting into her toys, she laughs and talks at them! And she's on the verge of figuring out what her hands and feet are and what they're used for (side note: she accidentally grabbed hold of my arm when I was clicking her into her seat today and pulled it towards her, it was SO COOL...she then proceeded to gnaw on my arm like a pacificer, but that's beside the point :)). Mommy and Daddy are working hard on their new room so Mishka can have her own room...that project will likely be finished in the next couple of weeks. She's excited to have her own room so she can design it to the specs that she wants ;)
That's about it for now...a couple more pics of Mishka and her Daddy :)