Friday, March 02, 2007

Birthday Suprise, part 2

Okay, here's a bunch of pics from the evening in rapid fire!

Here's Krista (6+ months pregnant with #2!!) hanging out with Isak!

From left to right: Andrea, Suzie, Beth & Ellen, all hanging out and chillin'

Shawn kicking his feet up and playing away!

Meg was out dancing with her mom while the band was playing!

Like father like son! Danny and Isak posing for the camera :)

Tasha & Tracey showing that they can still be silly sharing a night on the town!

In what might have been the best performance of the night, Beth & Ellen kicked "my humps" with Caleb backing them...they didn't miss a beat, it was hysterical!

Got to do a little duet with my honey, which we hadn't done in a while! It was cool to finally be able to get out on the town with her!

And here's Papa Tony snuggling with Mishka & Ollie! :)

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