Here she is, little Marina Elizabeth, aka, Mishka!
She's got Mommy's nose and lips, and Daddy's eye's and chin. She is AMAZING!!!
Tasha was in labor for about 9 hours, the birth itself went relatively quickly. Tasha was awesome, just when I think that I can't be more overwhelmed by the strength and fortitude she has, she ups the ante!
I'm so lucky to have such a fantastic wife and mommy for my little girl!
Mishka is very healthy, she latched onto mommy right away, has a real long, lean body and a set of pipes that could rattle a few windows (now the neighbors will know when she's hungry too ;)) She's eating, sleeping, peeing, and pooping without any problems, THANK GOD!!!
My little girl...I never imagined that my first child was going to be a girl, so I don't think I really had any expectations as to what it was going to be like holding her for the first time. How do you describe holding a tiny, precious being that looks like you and you've known all their life, yet you know NOTHING about who they are and all the little nuances that make them them.
I'm rambling needlessly! More pictures!!!
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