Saturday, April 22, 2006

More of Mishka on her first day...

And from left to right: Aunt Kim, Uncle Shawn, cousin Sasha (with the cool hair!) and Uncle Nico, Uncle Caleb, cousin Bella with Aunt Jess and Aunt Kim...all with Mishka doing her best impression of a football ;)

entourage part 2

Clockwise: Uncle Jon, Aunt Suzie, Aunt Angela, Aunt Meg & Uncle Caleb, and Aunt Jess...all starring Mishka!!!! :)

Mishka meets her entourage, part 1

Here's Mishka with her Babu, Marina...I think picture was taken about a half hour after Babu found out that the baby was named after her, so the look of utter shock was replaced with complete contentment :)

And Kama kept Mishka warm and snuggled here about 2 hours after the birth...Kathy was so great, so much love and energy for Mishka and for me and Tash!

Here's Babi, Tasha, Mishka, and Babu...4 generations right there!!!

And here's me, Kama, Mishka and Topa...whole lot of Tower's going on!

I think Uncle Nico likes, yup, he does!

And then there was you...

Here she is, little Marina Elizabeth, aka, Mishka!
She's got Mommy's nose and lips, and Daddy's eye's and chin. She is AMAZING!!!
Tasha was in labor for about 9 hours, the birth itself went relatively quickly. Tasha was awesome, just when I think that I can't be more overwhelmed by the strength and fortitude she has, she ups the ante!
I'm so lucky to have such a fantastic wife and mommy for my little girl!
Mishka is very healthy, she latched onto mommy right away, has a real long, lean body and a set of pipes that could rattle a few windows (now the neighbors will know when she's hungry too ;)) She's eating, sleeping, peeing, and pooping without any problems, THANK GOD!!!
My little girl...I never imagined that my first child was going to be a girl, so I don't think I really had any expectations as to what it was going to be like holding her for the first time. How do you describe holding a tiny, precious being that looks like you and you've known all their life, yet you know NOTHING about who they are and all the little nuances that make them them.
I'm rambling needlessly! More pictures!!!
Here's one of the first family pics!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Game On!!!!!!!

The Baby's coming, woohooo!!!!!!!!!!

Here's the skinny, Tash & I went to the doc's this morning, had the kid checked out (which meant that we got another view via an ultrasound, my favorite thing to do during this pregnancy, I love seeing my kid!!!!!), then Tash got checked. The doc checked her file, came back in the room (at this point we thought we were headed home and I was off to study...Oy!!!) and said "Time to have the baby!" We were a little taken aback as we really weren't expecting the doc to suggest inducing at this point, but he believes the kid is ready to come out.

We're going in tonight in about a half hour...this is it!!!!

Tsipka was so happy that she howled a whole song for us!

More soon, hopefully with pics of Lil' T :)


The Waiting...

Since Baby has decided to take its time, I figured I'd just throw in some random pics from the pregnancy and whatnot.

Here's Tash at 8 months...she's carried the baby all in front thoughout, in fact you really couldn't tell she was prego if you looked at her from behind!

Here's Uncle Jon (aka Clark...we'll have to see if that sticks...) and Aunt Jess with ultrasound pics in hand trying to figure out if it's a boy or girl...

I'll never tell... :)

From the left: Geoff, Tracey, Nate, Nicole, Robyn, Jay, Tony, Samit...all with shirts designating their names and roles, ya know, just in case they needed to be reminded. Of course I'm pimpin' the Daddy shirt...yeh, I'm not too excited about becoming a Dad (as he says with a heavily sarcastic grin)!!

Here's Tash and me chillin in March in the Red Sox room (aka the TV room). We'll be telling Baby that this is what we looked like before we sacrificed sleep for parenthood... sadly we look tired here too, so we can't utilize exhaution as an excuse for our insanity ;)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Welcome to Lil' T's web site!


Currently the countdown to the grand arrival is on...3 days past the due date and counting. Tasha (aka Mommy to be) has another doctor's visit tomorrow and hopefully we'll get a better idea as to when this kid wants to come on out.
The above pic is from a December snow storm when Tash was 5 months prego. If she'll let me, I'll post some more pics depicting the baby-carrying belly.

More soon...
Don aka Daddy to be!