Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Diaper changing

So, without prompting from Mommy and Daddy, Mishka has taken it on herself to practice more diaper changes...

It's even funnier when she puts the moisturizing lotion on! So we've almost got Mishka trained to take care of baby #2 ;)

Speaking of baby #2, she has yet to make her grand appearance. Tash is doing okay, hanging in there as best she can. In response to some inquiries about a blog for the 2nd baby...the hope is to get a 2nd blog up and running for the kid, with links between Mishka's and baby#2's, I'll email folks the address and be certain to post the link here was well. :)

daddy db

Ice cream with mommy and a parade of daddy's hats

While Mishka has had some interest in Mommy's belly and her little baby sister, in this picture with Mommy Mishka's focus is 100% on her cup of ice cream...

So Mishka is a hat lover, particularly the one's that her daddy likes to wear...so here she's sporting the Pats hat...

and later she stole...um, borrowed, daddy's Nats hat...admittedly, she's a heckuva lot cuter that daddy with the hats!!!! :)

But typically, Mishka's sporting the big ole' pony tails like she is here, where she's standing on a chair that she's not supposed to be standing on...and rather than dissuade this behavior, mommy and daddy take a picture ;)

Mmmm, cupcakes!!

How to eat cupcakes, step 1, remove cupcake of frosting by licking the cupcake clean of said frosting yummy goodness... :)

Aunt Jess with the two-for hug from Bella and Mishka...I think Jess is pretty excited to be hanging with her gals!


Step 2 of cupcake eating....DEVOUR, HAHAHAHA!