Tuesday, September 01, 2009

4th of july treat!

Know why Mishka has such a big smile on her face during the 4th of July parade...?

That's right, they were throwing out lollipops :)

Strike a pose!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Bringing Mishka pics back!

It's been a while, here some pics of the 'lil mouse' :)

Monday, February 16, 2009

In the snow...

Guitars, fairies and snowbanks...oh my!

Here's Mishka kickin' it down at the Somer's residence with Ollie and Daddy...daddy's lil' rock n' roller (btw, Jimi Hendrix is one of her favorites ;))

Mommy & Mishka hanging out in the snowbank...I think Mommy's a bit more excited than Mish!

Behold Mishka and her wings, all bedazzled by the fairy princess Mishka!

"Look at me, look at me!"


"I'm the king of this snowbank, hahahaha!!!!!"