Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The birthday party...

So, per yesterday's post, Nico, Ange and the kids made their way northward to celebrate Grampa's birthday, amidst the chaos we got a few good pics :)

Meechy and Sasha helping Grampa with some presents (t'was Sasha's 1st birthday the day prior!)

Here's Meechy learning how to play gently with his baby cousin! Not surprisingly, he was very good with her and gave her a few kisses too...what a great older cousin!!!!

Uncle Nico is showing cousin Sasha how Mishka likes to sleep in her swing...I think Sasha was a little more interested in pushing the swing than playing with Mishka, they'll be playing together soon enough :)

A little group picture here, thankfully Mother Nature gave us a few moments to get an outdoor shot.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Happy Birthday Grampa

To celebrate his 60th birthday, Grampa Pete spent the weekend meeting his beautiful granddaughter! Yeah, it was quite the birthday present :)

Getting to know you!

Mishka watching Grampa send an email!

A visit with Mishka always comes complete with a spit up session, here Grampa gets his share!

Just chilling on the couch...

Up next, the birthday party with Meechy and Sasha...

Monday, May 22, 2006

Kama redux

Mishka got to spend a little more time with her Kama after their initial meeting was cut short by an unfortunate dental emergency...I think they like each other :)