Sunday, October 28, 2007

Walk THIS way!!!

Okay, easily one of the funniest things we've discovered this past week is that Mishka is a dancing maniac! To try to wear her out one night this past week b/c it was raining outside, Daddy came up with the idea to just dance around for a little bit...and this is what we got!!!

Of note, she asks to dance now every day, demands that both Mommy and Daddy dance with her, and she totally digs the late 80's early 90's pop-y dance music. Oh, and Mishka dancing with Meechy and Sasha...CLASSIC. :)

October pics

Mishka at the beach doing what she loves most...playing in the sand!
Here's Mish, Mommy and Ollie chillin' by the ocean.

Mishka swinging with Daddy in the back yard!

Here's Mishka playing ball with Uncle Jon in their back yard!