Saturday, October 21, 2006

6 months later...



Notice that Mommy & Daddy still look as exhausted :)

Happy 6th months old to Mishka today! She was SOOOO excited, she woke up 3 times last night and at 6:24 this morning to share with her parents how cool being 6 months old is!!!!! :p

There are actually alot of update with our lil' mouse I'm looking forward to share (and will!), but I have to go play pick the toy up off the floor-give to child-watch child throw back to floor-look to parent to take bait and pick it up. This is actually still a pretty funny game at this least she's not throwing creamed corn!

(FYI-she's starting to look ALOT more like her Mommy, TG!!)


Johnny Ong said...

can really feel the joy u hav thru yr blogging....enjoy parenting

Sheesh said...

Mannnn... I'm so jealous of that flawless 6 month old skin, and the decade+ of zit-free bliss ahead of her :)