Thursday, May 04, 2006

Happy almost 2 weeks old!

It's been a few days...Daddy's been a wee bit busy with school, exams and baby here's what's going on with Mishka:
She had her 2 week appointment with the doctor today...she is absolutely positively wonderfully healthy (WOOOHOOO). She's now weighing in at 8 lbs 12 oz and is 22 inches long. Good heart sounds, good lungs and overall amazing disposition. Yeah Mishka!!! The doc was great, very's great what a real good doc can accomplish, something to strive for...okay, to get back from the tangent.
After being spoiled for the past 2 weeks, Babu and Babi have headed home, which means no more late evening cuddle sessions for Mishka with Babu for a little bit, or afternoon napping with Babi. This also means that Ma and Pa will need to step it up a little...stay tuned to see how that works out!
Mishka has been testing out her lung capacity recently as Daddy is still waiting for some of his hearing to return to his right ear ;) She's also been spitting up and a bit more fussy as of late, which means a little less rest and more dirty T-shirts for the parents. Tash & I are very lucky tho...Mishka has been real patient with us as we're figuring out this parenting thing. :)

I'll post a few more pics in another post.
I'm out!

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