Yup, it was apple picking time and Mishka invited along Suzie and Shawn AND Tracey and Ollie who made the trip up to surprise Tasha for her 30th! These pics, while pretty cool, don't do justice to how cute both Ollie and Mishka were walking around the orchard :)

"Look Daddy, I got one!"

Mishka & Ollie ate their fair share of apples off the trees...diaper duty that night was awful....

Uncle Shawn helping Mishka navigate with Suzie bringing them to the next apple filled tree.

Here's Tracey, Ollie, Tasha, & Mishka all enjoying a hay ride through the orchard.

Mishka found the pumpkins too...
Mother and daughter surveying the landscape...this is my favorite!

Suzie and Shawn found the hammock, to which Mishka quickly said "UP PEEEEZZZE!" and she got to ride too ;)
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