And who said valentine's day (which these Towers are boycotting again!) couldn't be happy! :)
Okay, so you're wondering, what's up with the updates, where they been?!?!!?
Long story short: broken camera, exams, preceptorships, exams, sick kid, exams, oh, and catch my drift. ;)
But it's been exciting times up north, Mishka's done a bunch of new firsts!!!

She can say words now, and know what they mean :)
Mishka can wave and say "Hi" with reckless abandon, it's hysterical, she's so happy when she does it too (mostly because of the reaction she gets from folks surprised and elated to see her "understanding" and communicating back).
She also says Mama and knows it means Tasha...when Mishka was sick and wanted nothing to do with anyone who wasn't Mommie and Tash would leave the room, Mishka would first look around, then call out "mama, mama, mama" and then crawl off to look for her!

Then there's the whole moving around thing...she moves like a little lightening bolt, doing a full on crawl now (no more commando drag crawling), and what she LOVES doing is grabbing onto something (chair, table leg, your leg) and pulling herself up to stand up...she's not to keen on sitting or lying down, she likes being on 2 feet and moving. This has also led to many father daughter discussions about physical balance and gravity...don't think Mishka cares much, but it gives Daddy piece of mind after the talks ;)
Oh, and she can crawl up stairs...notice I didn't say down...nough said for now :)

She's also eating a bunch more stuff...except for this week when we've had 2 other firsts, Mishka had her first GI bug, meaning that she got to have popsicles and pedialyte for a few days (side note: I had never seen anyone have 6 separate bowel movements in the span of 45 minutes until Mishka did it on was unreal...she was okay, mostly surprised with a sore tush...went through 4 pants in under an hour...unreal), AND Mishka gave Daddy an infection for the first time. Good times. Mishka is currently almost 100% better...Daddy's still on the mend. BUT, Mishka has been trying new stuff like salmon, chicken, teething biscuits, and cheerios. She loves to eat, which is a good thing.

Ah, and teeth...her top two teeth are slowly coming in, so now when she bites you she can (and likely will) break your skin. You can see it best when she gets a good smile going.
Okay, the kid just woke up an is talking to herself...wish I could tape that and post's PRICELESS :)
daddy DB
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