Well, it's been a while since I've gotten a chance to actually blog and send out pics or updates...it's about time that I do!!
Lil' Mishka is now 6 and a half months old (CAN'T believe it!), and as you can see by all her pics, she's become quite an expressive and interactive little girl! She's been rolling over now for about a month, she's figure out how to use rolling to get to a toy that she wants (or my homework which she tries to eat..."Mr. professor, yeah, I don't have my homework because my child ate it..."), and she is starting to figure out how to use her arms and legs in tandem to move.
She's been eating veggies and fruits (along with milk) for the past month and a half, she absolutely love it, especially the sweat potatoes...she also knows what the bottle and dish and spoon are used for...so when she sees them she throws a mini-fit because she wants to eat NOW!!! That's another thing...for as amazingly interactive as she is, smiles, giggle, gurgles, babbles and all, she is extremely upset when she doesn't get what she wants right away...hate to say it (basically cause I'll be vanquished to sleeping on the couch), but in that regards, she's her mother's daughter ;)
So, she's growing like crazy, learning new stuff every day, changing almost everyday, but what doesn't change is how much happiness she brings to our family, which is pretty cool ;)
That's is for now!
Daddy DB

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