Party at Suzie and Shawn's a few weeks back, Suzie is holding her nephew Ian who is staring at Mishka, who is staring right back!

Here's another pic from Camryn's christening, side view of Daddy and Mishka...okay, so there's a little similarity. :)

Aunt Erin got in on some of the fun, getting Mishka to laugh and giggle a little bit!
Mishka Update:
Teething season is upon us, which means the sleep is more erratic and the screams are that much more loud. GOOD TIMES!!!! (note the sarcasm ;)) Thankfully Mommy is a saint and is increadibly patient with her, and Daddy has been creative in terms of trying things to calm her down (who knew chewing on cloth could be so entertaining!). Mishka has also been spending time with her new babysitter, Krista, and her boy Isak, which has been cool as well!
She's alert, very talkative, and growing like a weed (25 inches long, 15 lbs, 4 ozs).
That's all for today.
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